TEAM 99885J


About JustCause
How is JustCause involved?
Just Cause is a grassroots Canadian not-for-profit organization aimed at improving the quality of life in developing nations by focusing on education. You just have to visit this page. Its address is:
Or you can click the button 'Visit Site'
JustCause is our major sponsor. JustCause acquires robotics parts, computers and software and a video camera and hands them over to us at zero cost of any currency. They work with us and teach our team. JustCause is the hero of this team. From the mentoring and registration to the laptops.
Hackers For Charity
Hackers for Charity

How does Hackers for Charity help?
Hackers for Charity is a major sponsor and helps us to have their place called The Hackspace to build our robot and work on our other team projects. They donated use of two Vex Clawbot kits so we can be in the competition. We are allowed to use their VEX field and the internet so we can do our work and learn robotics and coding. They pay for us to have WiFi so we can research and learn and be in online competitions.
About Renaissance Robotics

About VEX Robotics
Vex Robotics is a company that produces robotics kits. It is the organiser of the annual VEX ROBOTICS COMPETITONS.
These competitions involve challenges of a game. Each team has to build a robot to accomplish the main task(s) in that particular game.
How is Renaissance Robotics involved?
Renaissance Robotics is a Secondary school robotics team in Canada. They donated a whole NXT kit and software for us to use to practice in our club. We like to communicate on Skype with them and show what we built and learn. Thank you for always helping us and all advice you give.
How is VEX robotics involved?
Vex Robotics makes the robotics parts and organises the annual Vex Robotics Competions. It provides the "RobotC" software for programming our robots.
It provides tutorials on how to navigate around the hardware and software.